The Foundation
The Hôpitaux Robert Schuman Foundation is active in the field of health. It is the sole shareholder of HRS - Hôpitaux Robert Schuman S.A., which is the umbrella organisation for the hospital activities of the Hôpital Kirchberg, the Clinique Bohler, the ZithaKlinik and the Clinique Sainte-Marie.
About the Foundation
The Foundation is also the sole shareholder of Santé Services S.A., a healthcare services company.
The Foundation directly operates and manages its non hospital activities. As owner of the GesondheetsZentrum, a centre dedicated to screening and preventive medicine, it provides support by investing in infrastructure and equipment projects, innovation, research, and training and teaching activities.

The Hôpitaux Robert Schuman's Foundation has a number of missions:
Role of facilitator in:
- HRS research projects,
- organisation of training courses for doctors who are in the process of specialising,
- management the continuous medical education activity,
- innovation in new training and medical information technologies, and in particular e-learning platforms,
- creating partnerships with other players in the healthcare sector.
Role in developing new activities such as preventive medicine
Role of investor by creating infrastructures and acquiring equipment related to healthcare activities.
- Role of shareholder (respectively founding member) of its existing and future daughter companies,
- including HRS - Hôpitaux Robert Schuman S.A.,
- Santé Services S.A., GesondheetsZentrum, the not-for-profit Medical Training Center, Spidolswäscherei and INCCI.
Organisation chart
The Hôpitaux Robert Schuman's Foundation (FHRS), an independent foundation declared to be in the public interest in 1992, is the umbrella organization of the HRS Group and Santé Services S.A..