Fast Track retinal consultation
This camera is the key to so-called Fast Track retinal consultation for diabetics, and avoids the need for pupil dilation in contrast to other techniques. International guidelines call for an annual examination of the back of the eye in order to diagnose and treat diabetic eye damage in good time. According to international studies, only 50% of diabetics don’t follow this recommendation, exposing themselves to the risk of irreversible loss of vision or blindness.
Added value
The examination is not just quick and easy; the UWF camera also provides other benefits, such as photographic documentation in the patient’s electronic file, magnification and marking of suspicious retinal areas on the image, and use of the camera’s multimodal functions for diagnosis and treatment of advanced stages of the disease. Additionally, many other retinal diseases can be examined and observed more closely using multimodal functions, such as retinal degeneration, inflammation of the choroid and retina, and tumours.
Camera installed in the Hôpital Kirchberg (Hôpitaux Robert Schuman) in early 2023.

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